Women's Health & Menopause
Women’s Health & Menopause
Our GPs can give you advice and help with your menopause and perimenopause symptoms and concerns. We have plenty of information on the menopause, symptoms, treatment and HRT, lifestyle support and more.
We offer two consultation options, which can be conducted face-to-face or online. Confidential and individualised advice is available, contact us for more information or to book a consultation.
£99 Consultation
During our 30 minute Women’s Health & Menopause Consultation, our highly experienced doctors will discuss your symptoms, address your concerns, and offer support; from HRT advice to lifestyle support. Our GPs can then recommend a treatment plan that's individualised and right for you.
Special Offer £99 Face-To-Face or Online Consultation to include:
20 Minute appointment with a GP specialising in Women’s Health.
Confidential and individualised Women’s Health & Menopause advice and support.
Signposting to a clinician or lifestyle medicine specific prescription, e.g. sleep clinic.
Follow-Up information.
£190 Consultation
During our advanced 1-hour Women’s Health & Menopause Consultation, our highly experienced doctors will discuss your symptoms, address your concerns, and create a customised Lifestyle Medicine Prescription plan with you. This can include the prescription of HRT, if appropriate.
Face-To-Face or Online Consultation to include:
45 Minute appointment with a GP specialising in Women’s Health.
Confidential and personalised advice on HRT and Lifestyle Medicine.
Lifestyle Medicine Prescription.
HRT Prescription, if appropriate.
Vaginal Microbiome Services
Agile Life Services has developed a vaginal microbiome test that can identify where a woman is during the various stages of her menopausal journey.
Vaginal microbiome testing is more accurate and reliable than any current menopause test available.
It paves the way for individualised treatment plans for women, which can be monitored regularly to ensure that an optimal treatment pathway is identified.
From the urine sample collected at home, Agile uses state of the art next generation sequencing to evaluate the vaginal microbiome to species level.
Interested in taking part of this ground-breaking research? Contact a member of our team who can provide further information!
Lifestyle Medicine has been shaped by the
natural evolution of medicine
It is an established approach that focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations. It combines the broad facets of modern healthcare practices with the deeper understanding of being human. One where the patients’ ideas, values, mind-set and social context blend with the clinicians’ expertise and also with clinical research outcomes, in order to identify a health-and-wellbeing sweet-spot which is unique to the patient. Thus empowered, the patient will be enabled to take control of their health destiny.
Contact us today!
Use the contact form to the right and we will get in touch with you to discuss and arrange a consultation.
Alternatively, please call Flourish on: