Our Services

Type 2 Diabetes

Sleep Clinic

Other Physio and Sports Rehab services are available at Willaston Physio

We will inspire and empower you to take control of your health

Examples of conditions we can help:

  • Women’s Health & Menopause

  • Type 2 Diabetes and pre-diabetes

  • Chronic Illness/Pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Skin Conditions

  • Fatigue/Stress/Burn Out

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Obesity

  • Poor Sleep

Women’s Health & Menopause

Our GPs can give you advice and help with your menopause and perimenopause symptoms and concerns. We have plenty of information on the menopause, symptoms, treatment and HRT, lifestyle support and more.

We offer two consultation options, which can be conducted face-to-face or online. Confidential and individualised advice is available, contact us for more information or to book a consultation.

Lifestyle Medicine has been shaped by the
natural evolution of medicine

It is an established approach that focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations. It combines the broad facets of modern healthcare practices with the deeper understanding of being human. One where the patients’ ideas, values, mind-set and social context blend with the clinicians’ expertise and also with clinical research outcomes, in order to identify a health-and-wellbeing sweet-spot which is unique to the patient. Thus empowered, the patient will be enabled to take control of their health destiny.

Lifestyle Medicine Clinic

We can help people who want to re-set or re-balance their lifestyle habits in order to feel better and Flourish.

Many chronic illnesses are caused by lifestyle factors. Flourish are passionate about optimising your health and wellbeing through a personal lifestyle prescription based on the 5 pillars of:






Type 2 Diabetes

People with health or wellbeing concerns who are ready to invest in themselves in order to realise their full potential in their personal and professional lives.

We coach individuals and groups for better health and wellbeing, creating bespoke, focused and empowering experiences, both in-person and online using a wide variety of techniques and knowledge.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

As expert professionals with a doctor-led team, Flourish can help.

Flourish will work with you to create your personalised Lifestyle Prescription, and deliver a bespoke holistic workplace programme that is custom and suited to the individual. These programmes focus on improving lifestyle habits that are shown to treat and improve health conditions and overall wellness.

Chronic Pain Management

Flourish Pain Management Service is a co-ordinated use of interdisciplinary therapies for people with persistent pain. Persistent pain changes lives. It impacts self-image, affects others and interrupts plans.

Chronic pain is hard to manage and often doesn’t respond to normal treatments hence causes frustration. Whether there is an injury or tissue damage or persistent pain, a pain signal is sent out in your body, what happens next depends on you.

Flourish Pain Management Service is a co-ordinated use of interdisciplinary therapies for people with persistent pain.

The principles:

• To minimise the interference of pain on a patients lifestyle
• Help people understand their pain and their symptoms.
• Provide strategies and skills that will allow them to cope and function
• Provide realistic exercise goals
• Reduce dependency on medication

Strategies that may be used:

• Personalised exercise programmes with realistic goal setting
• Relaxation Programmes
• Yoga
• Psychological Therapies
• Patient education and advice re Diet and Nutrition
• Sleep Programmes

Workplace Programmes

Our workplace programme combines a coordinated and comprehensive set of health promotion and protection strategies designed to encourage health and well-being.

The sessions would be based around Lifestyle Medicine and its place in the management of staff health and well-being.

The sessions will be interactive and are designed to raise awareness and create positive conversations so employees are able to enhance their own well-being and performance, alongside your organisation’s commitment to being a gold standard employer.

Providing an opportunity to improve the well-being of individual employees leads to increased happiness of staff, boosts team morale and allows space for greater creativity within the organisation.

About the Sessions

Sessions are run by Dr Helen Kini and Judith Callow with additional support from our specialist team. Designed specifically for each business and appropriate for employees at all levels. We will explore a range of strategies to help manage a wide range of symptoms.

6 sessions would be delivered monthly or bi monthly as preferred. Agreed outcome measures would be put in place to ensure we are meeting the company’s gold standard goals and can gauge levels of employee engagement and feedback.

Health and Wellness Coaching

People with health or wellbeing concerns who are ready to invest in themselves in order to realise their full potential in their personal and professional lives.

We coach individuals and groups for better health and wellbeing, creating bespoke, focused and empowering experiences, both in-person and online using a wide variety of techniques and knowledge.

30+ years of front-line medical experience

Flourish draws on a combination of 30+ years of front-line medical experience along with the latest lifestyle medicine and coaching training, combining knowledge and behaviour change expertise to create sustained, significant impact.

Plus Occupational Health and assessment and reporting for employees who have a more complex or long-term problems. Constructive guidance on return to work capabilities.

Our services include:

  • DSE Work place assessments

  • Return to work assessments

  • Healthy Heart, Mind and Body Screening

We offer a clinical excellence, value for money, outcome focused service.

Contact us today!

Use the contact form to the right and we will get in touch with you to discuss and arrange a consultation.

Alternatively, please call Flourish on:

0151 327 3361