Taking Control of Type 2 Diabetes
Let yourself Flourish
More than 4 million people in the UK currently have Diabetes.
Diabetes is a condition where the body cannot produce or use the hormone Insulin correctly, leading to persistently high blood glucose levels in the body. There are several different types of Diabetes, but Type 2 Diabetes is by far the most common, accounting for 90% of all people with Diabetes.
Glucose (sugar) is a substance that our bodies need to be able to function. Insulin is a hormone that allows your body to move glucose from your blood into your cells (e.g. muscles, organs). In Type 2 Diabetes, the body fails to respond correctly to Insulin (Insulin Resistance) and the Pancreas becomes unable to produce enough Insulin to be able to overcome this resistance. This leads to excess glucose levels.
Insulin Resistance is caused by reduced physical activity and being overweight or obese. Type 2 Diabetes is also associated in people with a family history of Type 2 Diabetes, people of Asian, African or African-Caribbean ethnicity, and those who eat a low fibre, high glycaemic index diet.
Glucose can damage organs if present for too long, which is why people with Type 2 Diabetes are at risk of developing multiple different complications, such as Heart Disease, Stroke, visual loss, Kidney Disease, foot ulcers and amputations. People with Type 2 Diabetes are two-and-a-half times as likely to suffer a Heart Attack and twice as likely to have a Stroke than people without it. Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable sight loss in the UK. Life expectancy for people with Type 2 Diabetes is reduced by up to 10 years.
What can I do to manage, or even remit, my Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 Diabetes can be managed effectively by eating healthily and becoming more physically active, with or without the use of Diabetes medication.
Some people are able to put their Diabetes into remission by losing significant weight. With good management, people with Type 2 Diabetes can live a normal life.
Empowering your health: A holistic approach to thriving with Type 2 Diabetes
Flourish Type 2 Diabetes Service is here to help you understand and take charge of your Type 2 Diabetes, putting you in control with the help and advice of our highly specialised clinical team.
As a team, we will provide you with a Lifestyle Medicine Prescription and support you through the journey.
Our aim is to:
Help you to take control of your Type 2 Diabetes by making small sustained changes to your lifestyle and therefore optimise your well-being and prevent the complications of Diabetes
Lower your blood sugars
Support you to lose weight
Reduce your stress levels
Help rebalance your sleep pattern and therefore improve your energy levels
Improve exercise levels to help with weight reduction
What We Offer:
Individual consultations with our dedicated clinical team
Diet and Exercise advice
Sleep Coaching and advice
Lifestyle coaching support
Medication and Blood Glucose monitoring
Written information to add further support

Type 2 Diabetes can be managed with lifestyle changes. Flourish is here to help you.
Individual Initial Consultations (Online or Face-to-Face)
Prior to the consultation you will be asked to complete a questionnaire to give the Dr a full picture of your health.
Our initial consultations, which can be conducted online or face-to-face, include:
During a 45-minute consultation, the GP will undertake a holistic review of your health and lifestyle, focussing in particular on your Type 2 Diabetes.
Lifestyle Medicine prescription to help you achieve your goals and optimise your health.
We will review your medications and can offer advice or prescriptions and arrange for bloods or blood glucose monitoring, if required.
Monitoring/Review Appointments
Our review appointments (online or face-to-face) with our specialist Diabetes Nurse Practitioner are an opportunity to review your progress along your Lifestyle journey, including:
Check-up on changes you may have made to your exercise, diet and medications.
Review of any blood tests undertaken or blood glucose readings recorded.
Check to see if you have any other ongoing requirements.
Update of your Lifestyle Medicine prescription.
The Exercise Package:
Initial 45-minute consultation to understand you and your lifestyle.
A heart rate monitor for you to keep.
A 12-week personalised exercise programme, given weekly through online coaching.
Bi-weekly one-to-one video/telephone calls to chat about progress.
Notes/feedback after every exercise session through online coaching.
12 Week Exercise Programme
Supporting the development of life-long exercise habits to better your health.
Our Exercise Specialist Jen’s focus is creating a personalised exercise programme that fits perfectly into your lifestyle, is enjoyable, and most of all, is sustainable for a continued healthy life. She will give you an individualised programmes and one-to-one consistent support with feedback on every exercise session throughout.
Get research-backed support and guidance.
We were built to move, and regular exercise provides positive benefits to both mental and physical wellbeing. But getting the most out of each exercise session is where Jen’s knowledge and attention to detail fits in. Her understanding of metabolism and physiology enables her to design your programme to maximise the benefits you receive from each exercise session.
Nutritional Advice & Weight Loss Programme
A consultation with our Nutritionist Jules could help you take the first step in achieving your goals.
Individual plans are created to your specific requirements and goals.
Following a discovery call and a 3-4 day food diary, a personalised report and plan will be produced and explained.
Then, a follow up call 3-4 weeks later to see how you are getting on with implementing the dietary changes.

Our Diabetes Specialists:
David Thomas
Clinical Lead (Flourish Type 2 Diabetes Programme)
David has worked as a full time NHS GP since 2010 and has been in partnership at Upton Group Practice since 2013.
He developed a specialist interest in Diabetes medicine through his GP work which led to him to complete a Master's Degree in Diabetes Care.
He is the Diabetes Lead at his practice and is also the GP Lead for Diabetes for Wirral, where he works alongside General Practices, the local hospitals, Community Trust and other local stakeholders to plan, support and improve care for all patients with Diabetes across the peninsula.
David is a keen believer in improving diet, lifestyle and wellbeing as the basis of managing Diabetes and is excited to work alongside a team of specialists who think similarly in order to offer a truly multidisciplinary approach to Diabetes Care.
In his spare time, David can be found out and about with his family, running, walking, paddle boarding or at home doing DIY.
Julia Thomas
Nurse Practitioner
Julia is a Clinical Nurse Manager & Nurse Practitioner in a local GP surgery. She has a specialist interest in diabetes management, with a particular focus on encouraging lifestyle changes with her patients.
Julia also works as the Lead Nurse for Wirral’s Pre-operative Diabetes Service, working with health coaches to improve patients health, weight and blood sugar levels prior to them undergoing surgery.
Julia was awarded the title of Queen’s Nurse for her continuous commitment to leading change & providing outstanding care in the community.
Outside of working hours, Julia likes to relax enjoying travelling with her family in their camper van, paddle boarding, walking & generally enjoying the great outdoors.
Jules Strauss
Jules has 14 years of experience in exercise physiology and nutrition research, lecturing and consultancy. As a registered nutritionist, she works with individuals of all ages with a variety of goals and needs ranging from those with weight loss goals through to athletes at all levels of competition.
Jules has a particular specialism in female specific nutrition needs, considering how the menstrual cycle can impact our (micro)nutrient requirements as well as how best to manage the symptoms of (peri)menopause from a nutrition perspective. She also understands the challenges associated with weight loss and provides support and guidance to navigate the challenges and overcome the barriers each individual may have. Jules believes in working collaboratively with an individual to develop a plan that is optimal for them to achieve success.
Jules currently works at Liverpool John Moores University as a Senior Lecturer in Exercise & Health Metabolism, and is the co-founder and director of Total Endurance Nutrition.
Dr Jennifer Barrett
Exercise Specialist
Jen has a PhD in exercise metabolism with a focus on developing interventions for individuals living with pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and those with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. She has been an active researcher in skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity for many years and lectures masters-level exercise physiology.
Jen developed an exercise programme during her PhD that was successful in achieving weight loss and improving key health markers for diabetes risk and non-alcoholic liver disease. She understands the complexities of weight loss and barriers to exercise and prioritises one-to-one support to overcome these. Jen believes in working together with an individual to create life-long exercise habits to improve health.
Contact us today!
Use the contact form to the right and we will get in touch with you to discuss and arrange a consultation.
Alternatively, please call Flourish on: